Thank you for your support!
Follow our WhatsApp Channel & socials to access special deals and discounts!
Come visit us at the Vegan Streetfood Truck!
We can’t wait to see you again soon! Please check the calendar below to see where you can find us – pop past to visit and feel free to use any of the following food truck deals as a token of our gratitude.
All event times are displayed based on Africa/Johannesburg timezone.
/ Festival
Corona Sunsets Festival Cape Town
The Glen Country Club
Dear Sunset Lovers, The Corona Sunsets Festival team has been hard at work and we are so excited to announce that we have now successfully rescheduled the Corona Sunsets Festival and Corona Sunsets Unwind. ?…
Sat, 02 Nov, All Day
Treat yourself to our special deals!
Dedicated to you! Our favourite and most loyal supporters. Please feel free to use any of the following deals as a token of our gratitude.